Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Project ProxMe Week3

I added the following functions to our prototype:

  1. Discover connectable devices, particularly, the cell phones that running ProxMe App.
  2. Setup socket for one-to-one communication.

To do list:

  1. A Service that periodically checking nearby device and send out notifications
  2. One-to-many communication
  3. Auto pairing

A new idea: when saving a contact information, we should provide/auto-filled some information about the meeting. Such as, when, where and how we meet that person.

I found several names in my address book looks fairly strange, I cannot remember who they are and how I know them.

If I'm going to contact someone, it's useful to be able to start with "hello, we met last Dec at event something in somewhere, and got talking about blahblah…" before launching into what I want, and that's polite, I guess?

Shuang's part

Shuang is working on getting the user's profile and makes it available to others. We would prefer to have the cell phone owner's info from their address book. If that is not available, we will use the Bluetooth's default device name. He's also investigating on the notification mechanism.

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